ID: 25013
Seaweed Procede
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Enshar
Level: 56
Asmodian Only

Obtain a Dried Seaweed Sample and take it to Ofrid. PlayerObtain some Dried Seaweed Samples for Ofrid's research on the ecosystem.
Ofrid asked you get some Dried Seaweed Samples for her research on the ecosystem.

When you brought them back, Ofrid was astonished to discover the rapid changes that took place on the plant, and concluded that an external force must have played a role.

Full quest's text:
Hey, you've traveled a lot... Can you help me?

I'm looking for a few Dried Seaweed Samples. A number of scholars are making rapid progress on their research, and the sharing of data across different fields of study can really have a positive impact at a time like this.

Research is never limited to a single discipline, and I'd like to help others with their research as well. Can you help me?

Player: Accept

I could really use those Dried Seaweed Samples.

Did you bring me one?

I hope my request wasn't too much trouble for you...

Player: "No problem at all."

This is fantastic!

Please give me a moment.

Player: "Are these what you were looking for?"

Dear me... Even the plants went through some drastic changes...

How could seaweed even survive through transformations of this scale?

The adaptability of the entire ecosystem is like nothing I've seen before. The only conclusion is that there was an external force at work here.

Basic Reward
icon 9 007 973 XP
icon x 96 300
- Ceramium Coin
- Ancient Coin
- Major Recovery Serum
Additional info
Quest giverOfrid
Recommended level56
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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