ID: 2708
Defeat 3rd Rank Elyos Soldiers
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 999
Asmodian Only

Fight and defeat Rank 3 Elyos Soldiers (10). Report the result to Semotor. Defeat Rank 3 Elyos Soldiers for an Asmodian victory in the Abyss.
Commending your previous success, Semotor said he was confident that you could handle a more difficult mission.

He asked you to defeat the experienced Rank 3 Elyos Soldiers.

When you returned victorious, he said you'd demoralized the Elyos and thanked you for your service.

Full quest's text:
Your success in the last mission is commendable, Player. That dark-winged Lisya knows a fine recruit when she sees one.

I'm reassured by your presence. I wish for a moment of respite, yet we cannot rest for the enemy will not.

Player: "I am at your command."

The enemy we are up against this time is very strong. The Rank 3 Elyos Soldiers are veterans who have gone through hell and high water in the Abyss. You'd best be careful.

I believe you have what it take to annihilate them, Player. Yet I warn you, your opponents will kill you without a qualm if given the opportunity. Be safe.

Will you defeat the Rank 3 Elyos Soldiers for the Red Hasia and for Asmodae?

Player: Accept.

I knew I could count on you, shadow-blessed. The Elyos soldiers will shiver with fear and take wing when they see you set upon their ranks.

Remember, there is little point wasting your time killing those who pose the rest of us no trouble. You're a talent best spent fighting their best, Player. And if you aren't fighting them, then they'll cause all manner of trouble.

I'm confident that you will defeat them and return safe.

Player: "I'll finish off those Ellies for Asmodae!"

Welcome, Player, do you return triumphant?

What is your report?

Player: "Rank 3 Elyos defeated as requested."

Mission accomplished eh? Just as I expected, Player.

Not only are our Red Hasia Legionaries successfully carrying out their missions but, thanks to you, the morale of Elyos has begun to fail! We'll crush those light lovers yet!

But, our work is far from over....

Basic Reward
icon 404 557 XP
icon x 700
- Reviving Elemental Stone
Additional info
Quest giverSemotor
Recommended level999
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Defeat 4th Rank Elyos Soldiers

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