ID: 27152
[Daily] Village Defense
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Village Mission
Level: 21
Asmodian Only

Kill Shulack Pickpockets (3). Talk to the Village Guestbloom Merchant. Shulack Pickpockets have stolen village valuables! Kill the ones you see around the village.
An emergency village task was announced after a raid saw a significant number of village valuables stolen from various residents.

You killed the Shulack Pickpockets outside the village and reported back to the Guestbloom merchant, who thanked and rewarded you for your help.

Full quest's text:
- Emergency Village Task -

Bandits broke into the village last night, and stole valuables, including our precious Guestblooms! Kill the Shulack Pickpockets for their crimes before presenting yourself to the Village Guestbloom Merchant for a modest reward.

- Village Manager -

Player: Accept.

Thieves go against everything Asmodae stands for! They ought to be hung up by their ankles and pelted with rotten fruit for what they've done.

Those Shulacks have no place in Asmodian society, not if they're going to act like this all the time!

Player: "Well, they're dead now."

Oh, what a relief!

I was hoping a Daeva like you would help us out, Player. Had we gone ourselves, we'd likely have lost significant numbers.

Here... here's your reward. Thank you so much for helping us out!

Basic Reward
icon 56 346 XP
- Guestpetal
Additional info
Quest giverVillage Guestbloom Merchant
Recommended level22
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysEvery Day
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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