ID: 2804
[Group] Attack Siel West Elites
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 999
Asmodian Only

Destroy the Siel's Western Fortress Elite Garrison and bring the proof to Aslak. PlayerHelp is needed to recapture Siel's Western Fortress. When the fortress enters Vulnerable State, defeat its Elyos garrison, and return with their Noble Insignias.
Aslak said he wants to recapture Siel's Western Fortress by breaking Elyos morale.

You spied on the Fortress, and when the elite Elyos garrison appeared you pounced on them. You returned to Aslak with the Noble Insignias as trophies.

Full quest's text:
Elyos banners over Siel's Western Fortress...makes my sword hand twitch.

Well, time draws near to fix things. A fortress is most vulnerable when it's in Vulnerable State.

Our enemies know it, so they'll summon even more powerful troops to defend it.

Player: "Isn't that bad?"

The Elyos have started a Siel's Western Fortress Elite Garrison.

Such garrisons are particularly difficult to handle, but once they crack...

I hoped you might break them, Player. What do you say?

Player: Accept.

Spy on the Fortress. Attack the Siel's Western Fortress Elite Garrison defending it as soon as it enters Vulnerable State and spare nobody, even Novices.

Bring their Noble Insignias to me as proof.

The elite garrison is powerful, but one skilled Daeva, can ruin them, Player, and thus the Elyos will to fight. Blood for blood!

Player: "Walk in Azphel's shadow, Azlak."

I've been waiting for you, Player.

Are you returning from fortress?

How are the Siel's Western Fortress Elite Garrison and their Noble Insignias?

Player: "What's left of them is here."

What, there were no enemies in Siel's Western Fortress?

Stop dawdling and concentrate on your mission.

Smash the Siel's Western Fortress Elite Garrison and take their Noble Insignias.

Player: "To battle!"

I knew you were the right one for the job! A little dirty perhaps, but no worse for the wear.

Great job. Our recapture of Siel's Western Fortress is now prepared!

Basic Reward
icon 1 476 088 XP
icon x 400
Additional info
Quest giverAslak
Recommended level999
Repeat count200
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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