ID: 28639
Judge's Tear-Soaked Harp
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Level: 37
Asmodian Only

Claim the Harp of the Judge and bring it to Walter. PlayerWalter thinks he can improve a powerful weapon with Kromede's Tear. Find the Harp of the Judge.
Walter said Kromede's Tear can be used to bolster a powerful weapon owned by Kromede: the Harp of the Judge.

You obtained the harp and gave it to him, along with Kromede's Tear. Walter fused the two and gave you a strengthened weapon, Kromede's Harp.

Full quest's text:
Player, how attached are you to Kromede's Tear?

If you don't mind having it destroyed, I can put it to good use.

Now, don't panic. I'm suggesting melting it down and coating the Harp of the Judge with it. You'll have a weapon to be envied.

Player: "What would you need?"

Well, considering that you already have Kromede's Tear, and I'm an exceptionally talented blacksmith....

The only thing you really need to get is the Judge's Harp itself. I'll do the rest.

Player: Accept.

Glad to see you're interested in my proposal, Player. Of course, there aren't too many Daevas who'd pass up an offer from a blacksmith of my skill.

Now then... The Harp of the Judge is said to be in the possession of Kromede the Corrupt in the Fire Temple of Morheim. Why don't you go take it?

Player: "The task is mine."

Player, you're back. Do you have the Harp of the Judge and Kromede's Tear?

Player: "Here they are."

Wait a minute, Player. This isn't what I asked you to get.

I'll need both the Harp of the Judge and Kromede's Tear to create the new weapon.

There's just no way I can start this process without one of the most critical ingredients.

Player: "I'll return with them both."

Whew! Now this is a masterpiece of a harp if I've ever seen one! Just look at this beauty!

Go ahead, play a few songs on it. You'll be amazed at the quality.

Just, er... do it away from here. After that, I'll need some sleep.

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Harp
Additional info
Quest giverWalter
Recommended level41
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Songweaver

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Into the Unknown

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