ID: 2864
[Group] Krotan Assault
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 999
Asmodian Only

Get rid of Balaur Krotan Occupation Force or Elyos Krotan Garrison(10). Report the results to Radgrid. Gather allies, weaken the enemy's defenses by defeating the Balaur Krotan Occupation Force or Elyos Krotan Garrison, and report the result to Centurion Rathgrid.
Centurion Rathgrid said that the enemies in the fortress were lowering their guard and that he was planning to launch an all-out attack.

Before doing that, he asked you to defeat some of the fortress garrison and disrupt the defense line.

As requested, you eliminated the Balaur Krotan Occupation Force or Elyos Krotan Garrison. When you returned, he was grateful, if not a little rude. He's just busy.

Full quest's text:
This is the moment.

The moment our enemies are probably feeling comfortable in the Krotan Refuge over there.

The moment we surprise them and take the fortress for ourselves.

Player: "What's the plan?"

First we need to weaken their defense line.

If you're up to it, take a group of fighters with you and thin out the herd of Balaur Krotan Occupation Force or Elyos Krotan Garrison guarding the fortress.


Player: Accept.

I knew I could count on you.

Asmodians don't give compliments out easily, and I've heard great things about you.

Now go!

Player: "Blood for blood!"

Well walk me to the Edge and push me over, Player is back!

Kept us waiting long enough. Keep it brief: were you successful?

Player: "Yes, in fact -"

Great. Here is your reward.

I'm sure you're needed somewhere else now. Goodbye.

Basic Reward
icon 4 222 028 XP
icon x 200
Additional info
Recommended level65
Repeat count200
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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