ID: 28940
[Group] All for One
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Idgel Dome
Level: 61
Asmodian Only

Talk with Salade in the Idgel Dome. Talk with Salade again. Go to the Idgel Dome and meet Salade.
Feroz said he received a request for assistance from the Intelligence Unit and told you to see Salade in the Idgel Dome. You met with Salade, who told you more of the situation there.

Full quest's text:
Our intelligence unit has asked for immediate reinforcements at an ancient Danuar ruin known as the Idgel Dome.

The more we discover there, the more perplexed and--frankly--disturbed we become by its apparent history. The most recent find has been a creature badly contaminated by Ide that we believe will benefit our research.

But the Beritra Army and the Elyos are already making their own plans for the ruin and this creature, so we must act fast. Hurry there to meet Salade.

Player: Accept.

Welcome, Daeva. There is much to learn about this place.

The Danuar built it as a stadium for their own entertainment, where they would divide combatants into two sides and pit them against each other. We are standing in one of the pre-game waiting areas.

The Elyos are monitoring our movements, so this will be a quick briefing.

Player: "I'm listening."

We discovered a monstrous Ide-contaminated creature, Destroyer Kunax, when we first arrived. We believe he'll yield significant benefit to our Ide research, but the Beritra Army and the Elyos are all after it as well.

In fact, right when Kunax was just within our grasp, the Elyos swooped in and seized it. Took the reward for our efforts! Blasted weaklings.

If we can defeat the Beritra Army and use the Access Controller to hinder the movement of the Elyos, we'll regain the higher ground here.

Oh--but beware, remnant Ide explosions tend to occur unexpectedly, due to the dangerously unstable level of Ide in the stadium.

Player: "Good to know."

You may have noticed the situation here isn't quite in our favor. Yet.

There are many factors going against us, but I believe we do have a chance.

Your sense of loyalty and commitment precede you, Player. I hope that bodes well for this battle.

Player: "I'm here to help."

Thank you. We will need much of you.

If the ancient Danuar could see us now... Elyos and Asmodians, pitted against each other... in their own stadium. The irony is almost painful.

The Elyos make their move soon. Be ready.

Basic Reward
icon 2 584 915 XP
icon x 75 330
Additional info
Quest giverFeroz
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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