ID: 3083
Searching for the Elder of Wisdom
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Theobomos
Level: 48
Elyos Only

Talk with Trajanus in Heiron. Talk with Koreumtor in Theobomos. Talk with Nausikaa. Nausikaa felt that someone with as strong a destiny as yours needed the advice of a great sage, and told you to meet Trajanus.
Nausikaa told you of Koreumtor, the Elim Elder of Wisdom, whose advice might help you get your memories back. The first step in finding him was asking the Elim Trajanus for help.

Trajanus told you that the Elder of Wisdom was hiding in Marla Cave after being transformed by Dragon Lord Fregion into a Gnarl.

Koreumtor said that your lack of memory actually gave you strength to endure bigger troubles in your future, and advised patience.

Full quest's text:
Hello, Player. When we met, your name sounded familiar to me, and now I remember from where.

You are the one who lost your memory and ascended as a Daeva, right?

Player: "Yes, that's right."

The Elim tell tales of a man called Pernos who cheated Daminu, forcing him to bear his essence.

Your name is prominent in those stories, and I wondered what kind of person you were. Meeting you now, you're quite different than I expected.

Tell me, Did Daminu's essence restore your memory?

Player: "Not all of it."

I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that must be like.

In Theobomos, there's a story of an Elim--Koreumtor, the Elder of Wisdom--who probably could have helped you.

He hasn't been seen for a while, but I do know an Elim who might know his whereabouts. Would you like an introduction?

Player: Accept.

Sleeping Elder Trajanus in Heiron is once of the most revered Elim I know.

Tell him your story, and the path to the Elder of Wisdom should be revealed.

I'd be interested to hear how things turn out. Please return and let me know, would you?

Player: "Of course."

Do I know you...Daeva? You look...familiar.

Ah, you are Player! You...helped me before.

Has your path...progressed?

Player: "Some. I'm seeking the Elder of Wisdom."

Koreumtor.... A name unheard since...Dragon Lord Fregion brought Theobomos.

When the Elder of Wisdom...opposed his power...the dragon turned Koreumtor into...a Gnarl.

Other not know this. I tell you...because of your our people. Koreumtor is...hiding with his the Marla Cave. Perhaps you each other.

Player: "I'll do my best."

Who is...there? I...feel something, something...old. Appearance...can tell much... but sometimes it tells...nothing at all.

Have you come to...hide from something, or something about...yourself?

Player: "I'm missing parts of my life..."

Your a heavy burden. Without the wisdom...of experience, it can crush...your spirit.

The past can be...a burden. Free from it, your power painful memories. Draw strength from this..enough to face...the troubles ahead.

Do not give up...the answers will come in...the fullness of time.

Player: "I understand...I guess."

The Elim tell many stories of the Elder of Wisdom. Trajanus told me than an ordinary Human need not be concerned with such things.

I realized that life would eventually show me everything I needed to know. Without the perspective of centuries, the Elder's teachings would mean nothing to me.

I've touched your soul, Player. You have spoken to the Elder of Wisdom. What was it like?

Player: "It was not what I expected...."

I'm sorry the Elder was unable to help you, but I won't ask any more about it. If I was ready to learn what you know, Trajanus would tell me.

The path ahead of you will be hard, Player. I worry that destiny will treat you harshly.

I will pray that the protection of Ariel be with you always.

Basic Reward
icon 1 238 083 XP
Additional info
Quest giverNausikaa
Recommended level49
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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