ID: 3516
Green Grows on Trees
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Level: 34
Elyos Only

Get rid of Greenclaw Rotrons in the Decayed Grove (10). Talk with Kravis. Dispose of the Greenclaw Rotrons so that Kravis can investigate the Decayed Grove.
Kravis, a Daeva of Zephyr, complained that he couldn't investigate the Decayed Grove due to Rotrons.

You disposed of the Rotrons, and he rewarded you.

Full quest's text:
Areelalunda...hic! I mean, Areeloooma! How have you been? Do I know you? I do know you! It's me, Kravis.

Hic! Hey, friend, I could ssshhhure use your help again, yeah? I...I had a taste or three of that ssshweet forest ssshyrup before you arrived, ha ha ha. You want a ssshwig? No? Yeah, I guess it's early...or is it late?

Remember when you said you killed all of them Rotrons in the Decayed Grove? didn't. They're ssshtill meggle...mingle...meddling with the ressssearch team.

Player: "I killed quite a few."

Well...quite a few isn't quite all, now ishh it? Hic! Did you sshay something? Did you hear that? Ssshhh...hear that? Oh, the ale keeps telling me tales no one else can hear.

Lisshhun, all right. The Greenclaw Rotron are back! Everywhere. You want to make some good Kinah? Go kill them for me! Kill them all thishhh time, too!

Kill every Greenclaw Rotron your blade finds, all right?

Player: Accept.

Mmmmm....ten, kill ten of those savages! Hic! Go to the Decayed Grove...I said that part already, right?

Ac...actually, kill more! For every ten Greenclaw Rotrons you kill, I'll pay you more. Cut them down ten by ten!

Player: "I'll take care of them."

Areeeloonda to I know you?

You look friendly eyes. Hic! I'm not ssshhhharing my ale, if that's why you're here....

Player: "I killed your Rotrons!"

Ahhhh, it's you, Player! Hic! You were going to kill the Greenclaw Rotrons for me....

I had a little swig or ssshheven while I was waiting for you to finishhh up...between you, me, and the Aether. Hic!

Here, this is the reward I promisshhhed you. Ssshhhall we have a toast to your vin...victur...victory?

Basic Reward
icon 564 357 XP
icon x 16 800
- Old Red Sack
Additional info
Quest giverKravis
Recommended level35
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Helping Kravis

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