ID: 41309
For Want of a Nail
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sarpan
Level: 999

Kill off Violent Serrators in Sabat's End (11). Report back to Shemion. Violent Serrators are interrupting the supply lines through Sabat's End.
Zayedan Shemion is worried that Violent Serrator attacks on supply lines through Sabat's End will affect the battle in Tiamaranta.

To ensure that Tiamarantan soldiers are well-supplied for their fight, you eliminated Serrators from the area.

Full quest's text:
Here in Sarpan we have a saying: "For want of a nail, the wheel was lost. For want of a wheel, the cart was lost. For want of a cart, supplies were lost. For want of supplies, the battle was lost--and all for the cost of a Brax-cart nail."

Okay, so maybe I took some liberties with the saying, but it's true. Properly supplied soldiers can make or break a battle. That's why Sabat's End is the most strategically important part of Sarpan--it's the only supply line into Tiamaranta.

We don't really have problems with losing nails. Instead, we have problems with Violent Serrators biting the wheels right off our supply carts. Think you could help?

Player: Accept.

Those Serrators are real monsters. I saw one tear a plank off of a supply cart the other day and eat it.

It ate a plank! How do you even chew that?

I mean, there's not a lot to eat around here, so I suppose they've adapted to their environment... but a plank? Especially when it could've just gone after the Brax!

Player: "They're eating crow now."

Ha! Well, great work!

Opening up supply lines could have a decisive affect on our war in Tiamaranta.

We have a saying in Sarpan that goes like, "From small deeds, great names are born." It may seem minor to you, but your work here is appreciated.

Basic Reward
icon 4 654 547 XP
icon x 74 304
- Kahrun's Symbol
Additional info
Quest giverShemion
Recommended level58
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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