ID: 41616
[Weekly] Creature of Wrath and Petrification
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sandstorm
Level: 58

Eliminate one of the Violent Creatures (1). Report back to Jupitor. Jupitor has a long list of Sandstorm Targets for you: Burning Urstan, Tempestuous Ardor, Tindertryst, Taida the Enraged, Reclusive Krata, Pounding Tatamo, Jeweloop Vitale, Flameclaw Firzan, Ancient Elder Ermus, and Resounding Corrus.
Jupitor had a long list of Sandstorm Targets for you to choose from.

You pacified one of them, to Jupitor's satisfaction.

Full quest's text:
Your [%mainslotitem] is just itching to secure peace with the Sandstorm.

I can sense things like this.

Burning Urstan, Tempestuous Ardor, Tindertryst, Taida the Enraged, Reclusive Krata, Pounding Tatamo, Jeweloop Vitale, Flameclaw Firzan, Ancient Elder Ermus, and Resounding Corrus all need to be eliminated.

Player: Accept.

Ha! I knew it!

I just thought to myself, "Player's coming."

Player: "Sure you didn't overhear someone...?"

Shard it, Player, you're always ruining my fun.

You're too smart, is your problem. Good-looking, too.

Okay, okay, now I'm just buttering you up, hoping you'll keep helping out with our Targets.

Basic Reward
icon 852 603 XP
icon x 31 292
- Kahrun's Symbol
Additional info
Quest giverJupitor
Recommended level58
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysWednesday
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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