ID: 80363
[Event] Closing This Party Down
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Level: 30
Asmodian Only

Talk with Slim after the cocktail party ends. Talk with Slim after the cocktail party ends.
You received a present from Slim for attending his party and checking in with him when it was all over. Seems he was a little insecure about how many friends he had, and your presence made him seem more popular.

Full quest's text:
People say holding a party like this is just a waste of money, but you know what? They're wrong!

Kinah was meant to be spent! Am I right?

That's what my Shugo associate keeps telling me anyway. So we're having a party to celebrate... well, life! Summer! Fun!

Player: "Yeah!"

I know, right?

Anyway, I'd love to thank you properly for coming--such a famous Daeva and all that--but I'm a little busy right now.

Could you stop by and pay me a visit when summer's up and the party is over? I'll have a little something for you.

Player: Accept.

Great, great! Until then.

Make sure you pay a visit to the barkeep. He'll fix you up. Hey, Barkeep! A round for my friend!

Player: "Drinks on the house? Nice!"

Daeva! You came back! Er... What was your name again?

Player: "[%username]."

Right! Right, Player. Hey, look everyone! It's Player! At my party!

I have to be honest. I wasn't sure this party was going to work. I thought no one would show up. But it seems like everyone had fun, and now I have a lot more friends!

Anyway, we're about wrapped up here, but I wanted to give you a little something for taking the time to make me seem more popular.

Basic Reward
- Shugo Warranty
Additional info
Quest giverSlim
Recommended level30
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Not accepted quests:
[Event] Closing This Party Down
[Event] Closing This Party Down

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