ID: 80613
[Event] Ginseng is the Best!
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Level: 65

Hunt the Old Ginseng.(1) Hunt the Old Ginseng at the location that Gungung tells you and talk to Gundung.
Dr. Mugura gave you a map of the location of the Old Ginseng, but you fell asleep during his talk, so you didn't hear the exact location.

So, you went back to Gungung.

You told Gungung that you needed to get Old Ginseng, and he told you he knew where they were.

You found the Old Ginseng rather easily and killed them, but you didn't get anything.

You told Gundung about this, and he told you that the Old Ginseng were just old mushrooms,

and that he will tell you were you can find some really good ginseng.

Full quest's text:
What did Dr. Mugura say?

Player: "He said Old Ginseng is good."

Hmm... I know where you can find Old Ginseng!

So, you go this way, and then that way, and from there you go in that direction, then go around...

(Gungung tells you about where you can find the Old Ginseng.)

Player: Accept.

Just as I thought! My instructions are crystal clear!

I used to be a teacher, you know!

Well, get going!

I'm counting on you.

Player: End conversation.

Huh? Father sent you?

Player: "I hunted the Old Ginseng, but I didn't get anything."

Oh, so my father sent you?

What? Old Ginseng?!

That's a mushroom that disappears as soon as you kill it.

My father doesn't know anything...

I know of something much better than that.

Well, you did work hard, so take this.

Basic Reward
icon 700 000 XP
icon x 7 000
Additional info
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] Please Save My Son...
[Event] Quack's Prescription

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