ID: 748015
Lionelo's Journal
icon NPC
Lv.: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 0m


I am Lionelo, a member of Lady Siel's Spear Legion who was stranded after the Cataclysm. Even now, the circumstances that marooned me in this wretched place are fuzzy.

I remember the sound and fury of the Cataclysm. I remember being slammed to the ground and losing consciousness as Atreia tore itself apart. When I woke, I was buried under a pile of rubble on a barren landscape.

The Aether I manipulated to fly was gone, those who accompanied me had disappeared, and a chill settled in my bones--I was alone, without hope, without friends, and without Aion's blessing.

I didn't know why I had survived and no one else had. But I soon discovered that I was not the only one inhabiting this despicable place.

The Balaur were here. While the foul creatures had been disorientated by the Cataclysm, it seemed all of them had been marooned here, just as I had.

The first time, it was the Balaur who found me, and though I could no longer take flight, my combat skills had not lost any of their potency. I slaughtered the creatures, and fled into the night.

I knew more would come, so I watched from a distance. I wish I had not. Tiamat herself landed in the spot where I had been found, and let out a blood curdling roar when she saw the Drakan I had slain.

I ran.

The Balaur tracked me for weeks, but in the end, I lost them near a lake. Even their keen senses couldn't track me through water.

But what I discovered on the opposite shore...was even more horrific than what had been chasing me.

It had been long whispered amongst our people that the most powerful Balaur sometimes failed to awaken, as the Balaur Lords had, and the failures turned into horrific monsters.

I thought it was nothing but a child's tale--another rumour about the Balaur born of fear. But the rumour is true. I witnessed the baleful transformation of a Drakan with my own eyes.

The creature was hunched over in a copse of trees, shapes moving beneath its skin, as if clawing their way to the surface. The Drakan writhed in agonizing pain, but between its wails, I could almost hear laughter. Then, all of the sudden, the Drakan howled, and a massive misshapen form burst from its skin.

It was hours before the Drakan, or the creature that the Drakan had become, stopped wailing. It was a hideous beast, and it seemed to be aware of that. The screams--its screams--were of horror, of loathing and hate.

Whatever it had become, it looked nothing like one of the Balaur Lords. In time, the beast quieted, and began to crawl out of the forest and ooze towards the mountains. I followed it, whether out of pity or awe, I do not know.

The creature fumbled about at the foot of the mountains for a time, and then found a cave and slunk into it. I followed it into the cave, still not understanding the reason. The creature wasn't hard to follow in the darkness--its breath was haggard, and its tail scraped against the cave walls.

After it had moved deep underground, the creature came to an abrupt stop, and collapsed in a large cavern. I knew it had died...but I had to make sure.

After a few moments, I crept towards the creature from my hiding spot, and that's when I saw them--two glowing red eyes gazing at me. It had known about me all along. But the beast made no move to attack. It only lie there, staring.

Perhaps it knew I wasn't a threat, I don't know...but I left that cavern and never looked back. I lived to find my brothers and sisters from the Spear Legion, and we banded together to survive in this desolate land. But I still think about that atrocious creature. I called it a Dramata.

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