ID: 799841
icon NPC
<Fortuneers Weapon Steward>
Lv.: 50
HP: 12 952
Aggression radius: 20m


How is life under the sun, Player?

If you've got your Fortuneers Tokens there, I've got your reward.

But if you have questions about registering with the Fortuneers Legion, you'll have to find Juris Po and ask him. Just a warning: our captain's not the warmest person in these parts.

Something has gone wrong--very wrong. I can't do my job! Blast! Shards! Fie!

Please enter /petition in your Chat window and inform a GM.

I'm counting on you, Player, to help me.

I suppose you're here because you wanted to join the finest fortune hunting legion in all of Elysea, eh?

Why are we the finest, you ask? Because we fight hard and we celebrate even harder. We're the fairest as well as the fiercest! We even reward our Fortuneers for dutifully completing their quests.

I am guessing, Player, that's why you're here. So you'll have to find Juris Po and speak with him.

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