ID: 806881
Femme Fatale of History 9
icon NPC
Lv.: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 0m


The Femme Fatale of History

Book 9: Kromede the Corrupt

From childhood, Kromede was well known in her native Altgard. Word of her beauty had spread throughout the entire land.

And anyone who spoke to Kromede quickly realised that, behind her youth and beauty, there was a bright mind.

Years passed. Kromede grew and became more and more beautiful. She was so beautiful that her beauty could barely be expressed in words.

She enchanted young and old, without exception. And just one glance of her impenetrable expression brought men to kneel before her.

No one was really surprised by Kromede's ascension. From then on, she drew more attention to herself through her intelligence than her beauty.

She excelled in the Crucible and was chosen to be a Shadow Executor after her studies.

As a Shadow Executor, Kromede demonstrated her true abilities. She conscientiously fulfilled all the tasks assigned to her.

Her comrades and superiors praised her for her impeccable work, regarding her as trustworthy. Only her perfectionism could have been deemed a weakness.

After rising to the rank of Shadow Judge, Kromede began to ascend the career ladder relentlessly.

All important tasks her assigned to her, and most Executors wanted to report to her.

If her excellent abilities hadn't dazzled them, the Shadow Court would surely have noticed that Kromede only concentrated on specific cases.

Once she had achieved a certain status, Kromede began to show an ever-growing interest in ancient relics with immeasurable power.

Nagelbaad, the Archon of Dusk, was the first to notice Kromede's suspicious behaviour.

Strange events were happening all over Atreia. Initially, nobody paid them much attention, but Nagelbaad finally noticed that a striking number of ancient ruins were being affected by these incidents.

Nagelbaad explored one ruin after the other until he discovered that, while the incidents all had different causes, the Shadow Court was involved every time.

It was not easy to discover what the Shadow Court was up to, but Nagelbaad remained persistent. And thus he ultimately discovered that Kromede was behind it all.

Although Nagelbaad suspected Kromede, he could not accuse her without solid evidence.

Since Kromede enjoyed the unconditional trust of the Shadow Court, Nagelbaad had to be careful. One rash move could have backfired and made him look guilty in the eyes of the Shadow Court.

Additionally, the relationship between the Twilight Archons and the Shadow Court was not particularly good, so it was not so easy to implicate Kromede.

So Nagelbaad decided to take an indirect route. He began to leak information about Kromede gradually.

Kromede knew that someone was watching her, but she seemed not to care.

She was sure of the trust she had earnt over the course of time. And she was firmly convinced that she had complete control over her superiors, comrades and subordinates.

But Kromede had not considered one thing. She had underestimated the resentment of the men whom she had rejected.

Gradually, the incidents in which Kromede was involved came to light, and the Shadow Court descended into chaos.

Judge Kromede had condemned herself.

Her betrayal was revealed and the secret warehouse that she had rented from Black Cloud Merchants was opened.

Inside they found ancient spellbooks, the legendary skill book, ancient manastones that gave incredible power, and much more.

Nobody had suspected that Kromede had secretly amassed so many relics. They were amazed; not only by the sheer number, but also by the immeasurable value and the unimaginable power of these items.

When she was denounced for corruption, Kromede told the entire truth.

She had dreamt of a perfect world. With her flawless beauty and her unrivalled abilities, she strived for more and more power.

To step closer to achieving her goal, she went in search of an ancient skill book, getting her hands on all these relics in the process.

But the judges considered corruption an inexcusable crime. Their judgement condemned Kromede to be transformed into slime and held in a dungeon.

The Shadow Court thought that everything was now at an end. But Kromede would never be turned to slime voluntarily.

For ten minutes she bewitched the guards and judges with her charms. During that time, she stashed away most of the relics she had gathered, and fled.

Nobody knows where she disappeared to or what happened next. Some say she went in search of a legendary skill book. Others say she went into hiding, deep in the Abyss.

The only thing that is certain is that Kromede would use her beauty and intelligence to gain power wherever she appeared. She is the epitome of the femme fatale.

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