ID: 831783
icon NPC
<Missionary of Love>
Lv.: 60
HP: 17 845
Aggression radius: 20m


A season that smells so sweet! Akakak!

How about surprising your sweetheart with something special instead of a boring normal gift?

If you mix sweet powder and a sweet special product, you will get a very special gift, ak.

The sweet powder is easy to obtain if you stay in Atreia for a time, but the sweet special product is a problem, ak.

This precious ingredient can only be obtained by Daevas who go into battle and prove their valour, ak!

I, Lovelinerk, was extremely popular in my youth.

Back then, the young men swarmed to my house armed with sweets, flowers and pretty gifts to ask me for a date.

From experience, I can say that with the right present you can win the heart of any women, ak.

With that in mind, I advise you to prepare a special present, ak.

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