ID: 50109
[Event/Daily] Airunerk's Secret Proposal
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 999

Get 2 [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault and two [plur]Madorinerk's Treasure Chest Key[pl:"Keys"] and bring them all to Airunerk. PlayerGet 2 [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault and two [plur]Madorinerk's Treasure Chest Key[pl:"Keys"] and bring them all to Airunerk.
You obtained two Entry Scrolls for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault and two of Madorinerk's Treasure Chest Keys at Airunerk's request.

Airunerk rewarded you by giving you treasures from the gold vaults.

Full quest's text:
Come here, Player!

Airunerk has hatched a plan to protect the gold vault.

Shugo has heard that the Shugo bandits are getting into the gold vault with the help of mysterious scrolls called [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault.

But if Airunerk tracks down all the [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault together and locks them in the gold vault then the Shugo bandits won't be able to get inside any more.

And since Daeva has to get [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault and [plur]Madorinerk's Treasure Chest Key[pl:"Keys"] this time, Shugo will also give Daeva Madorinerk's Treasure Chest, which contains a great treasure.

Spare neither time nor effort to bring Shugo two of each, akakak.
Does Daeva have [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault and [plur]Madorinerk's Treasure Chest Key[pl:"Keys"]?

Daeva will receive a reward for two of each, ak.
One... two... two of both exactly!

That was clear! Player can count on Shugo.

Airunerk will store the scrolls and keys in his gold vault where nobody will find them.
As a reward, Daeva will receive treasures from Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault that Shugo has secretly put inside.

There are enough treasures in the gold vault to fill an Abyss fortress. That's why it won't be noticeable if Shugo takes some.

Once Daeva has [plur]Entry Scroll[pl:"Scrolls"] for Trillonerk's Secret Gold Vault and [plur]Madorinerk's Treasure Chest Key[pl:"Keys"], please come to Airunerk, akakak.

Basic Reward
icon 800 000 000 XP
- Special Gold Vault Treasure Chest
- Madorinerk's Special Treasure Chest
Additional info
Recommended level999
Repeat count10
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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