ID: 50811
[Event] Dread in the Guesthouse
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 80
Elyos Only

Use Notice I in the Quest Cube. Take either the Abandoned Secret Passage or the Creepy Secret Passage that appears in the Inggison Illusion Fortress at 1 PM, 7 PM and 9 PM, and enter The Dreadful Guesthouse. Use Notice II in the Quest Cube. Take the Abandoned Secret Passage that appears in the Inggison Illusion Fortress at 1 PM and 7 PM and enter The Dreadful Guesthouse. Talk to Llanero there. Use Notice III in the Quest Cube. Take the Abandoned Secret Passage that appears in the Inggison Illusion Fortress at 9 PM and enter The Dreadful Guesthouse. Defeat Phantonicht there and examine Phantonicht’s Cape. Use Notice IV in the Quest Cube. Talk to Screamer. Find the hidden clues and talk to Screamer.
Screamer told you that a captivating story awaited you at The Dreadful Guesthouse.

You found all the hidden clues and spoke with Screamer.

As it turned out, Screamer had nothing to say.

Full quest's text:
Shhh! It's actually a secret, but I know something about Llanero, the Quartet of Darkness and Phantonicht.

Hey, hey! Why are you giving me that bored look?
Hehe, how about you use Notice I and take a little look around?

Then all you have to do is follow your Daeva intuition.

Come back to me when you've discovered the secret! I'm so excited I can barely keep still.
What have you got in your hand?

Notice I, Notice II?
Strange. I have something similar.

It says Notice III but I don't know what it's for.

Very strange...
Pah, no need. Think you can talk down to Llanero, Daeva?

It's probably just rubbish. Take it or leave it.
Hehehe! So that's how it is! My curiosity was killing me!

Have I heard the story already?

Haha, whatever gave you that idea?!

Basic Reward
- [Event] Book of Clues
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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