ID: 71911
Jecasti's Request
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 78
Asmodian Only

Keep the monsters away from the Aether Generator! [plur]Wilds Barghest Raver[pl:"Ravers"] or [plur]Wilds Barghest (5) [plur]Wildgrove Murmur Raver[pl:"Ravers"] or [plur]Wildgrove Murmur[pl:"Murmurs"] (5) Talk to Jecasti. Eliminate the dangers so Jecasti can check the Aether Generator.
Jecasti said that animals were being attracted by the bright beam of light emitted by the Aether Generator.

She was very grateful to you for dealing with the animals and went to check the Aether Generator.

Full quest's text:
(Looks towards the Aether Generator.) They're back again.

And there's nothing to eat there.

I'm talking about the Aether Generator.

Strangely, it's constantly attracting animals.

We drive them away, but they just keep coming back.

I need to check the Aether Generator, but the animals are stopping me from getting to it.
I guess it's because of the beam of light.

I can't think of any other reason.

The beam of light produced when energy is absorbed must be attracting the beasts.

It's really exhausting having to drive them away every time I need to check the Aether Generator.

It'd be no problem for you though, I'm sure. Would you help me?

Please eliminate [plur]Wilds Barghest Raver[pl:"Ravers"] or [plur]Wilds Barghest and [plur]Wildgrove Murmur Raver[pl:"Ravers"] or [plur]Wildgrove Murmur[pl:"Murmurs"].
(Looks towards the Aether Generator.) Now there are a lot fewer animals.

Thank you.

I will take care of the Aether Generator.

Basic Reward
icon 43 065 697 XP
icon x 15 487
- Slot Stone
Additional info
Recommended level78
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Taking the Windstream to the Aether Research Group Campsite

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