ID: 71933
[Spy/Alliance] Annihilation of the Inggison Gate Guards
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 80
Asmodian Only

Defeat the Brigade Generals guarding the gate. Brigade General Spatalos (1) Brigade General Telemachus (1) Brigade General Jiskur (1) Defeat the commanders guarding the gate. Commander Michalis (1) Commander Tirins (1) Kill Kaisinel’s Agents. (%23/1) Report to Akambar the scribe. Eliminate the Brigade Generals and Commanders that guard the Inggison Gateway. Then deal with the agents.
Akambar the scribe explained headquarters’ mission for you.

You travelled to Inggison and eliminated the Brigade Generals and the Commanders who were guarding the gate. You then killed Kaisinel’s Agents.

When you reported back to Akambar, he praised you for your work.

Full quest's text:
You couldn’t have arrived at a better time. I have a new mission for you from headquarters.

Headquarters seems to think that an attack on Inggison would be difficult. That’s why the best Daevas are tasked with eliminating key figures.

According to this list, first you need to eliminate the Inggison gate guards: Brigade General Spatalos, Brigade General Telemachus, Brigade General Jiskur, Commander Michalis and Commander Tirins. You then have to defeat Kaisinel’s Agents.

Since this mission is too challenging for inexperienced Daevas, only capable Daevas will be selected to undertake it, Player. Please do not disappoint me.

On my honour as a scribe, I assure you that I will document each and every one of your activities, Player.
According to the reports from headquarters, significant obstacles to the invasion of Inggison have been eliminated. As a result, the legionaries are even thirstier for battle.

Well done.

Basic Reward
- Ultimate PvE Enchantment Stone (7 days)
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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