ID: 80043
[Event] The Best From the Worst
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 20
Elyos Only

Go to the Outpost Ruins to find Yellow Planks for Tallas. PlayerGo to the Outpost Ruins to find Yellow Planks for Tallas.
Tallas had planned some childlike festivities to recapture his youth, but the planks for repairing the sailboat were stolen by monsters.

You recovered the planks, but it seems unlikely that the boat will be ready in time.

Full quest's text:
Did anyone ever tell you as a kid that those were the best days of your life? Well, I think I get it now. Not a care in the world, and those long summers... ahh, to have those days back again. I had a plan. I even had sailboat to take us to a tropical island.

Only, our sailboats need repairing from last year, and monsters have made off with all the materials.

These ones were already cut to size. It'd be much quicker just to get them back than start again. Well, quicker for someone like you, that is.

I know! Why don't we turn this into a game? You remember when you were a kid, and you dared your friends to go and touch the creepy house... Well, how's about I dare you to head to the Outpost Ruins and sort out those monsters?

They've taken the Yellow Planks--and I just know you can get them back.
Oh, thanks, Daeva. If you could just bring us back those Yellow Planks from the Outpost Ruins, we'd all appreciate it. With any luck, we'll go sailing before the summer is over. And if not, at least we'll be ready for next year.

Those Snapping Spiners, Ancient Caryatids and Striped Maekis in the Outpost Ruins are the ones who made off with the planks.

Oh, thank Aion you're back! I was beginning to think I'd dared you a dare too far!

Where are those Yellow Planks?
Well, they don't look like they're in too bad shape. The boat will just have to have some planks with teeth marks in them, that's all.

Thank you, Player! Here are the gifts I promised you. Perhaps they'll help you keep the spirit of childhood, sailing or no.

No planks, Player? I'm starting to despair of getting that boat back in order.

I mean, summer will be over before we get them, at this rate. Oh well, maybe we'll have a late heat wave, like last year.

Basic Reward
icon 5 000 XP
- [Jakunerk] Return Scroll to Sanctum
- [Jakunerk] Nostalgia Gift
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
- [Jakunerk] Daru Gift
Additional info
Quest giverTallas
Recommended level20
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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