ID: 80613
[Event] Searching for Ginseng
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 65

Hunt Old Ginseng (1). Follow Gungun's directions and hunt the Old Ginseng. Then talk to Gundun.
Doctor Mugura gave you a map with the location of the Old Ginseng marked. Since he doesn't even know exactly where to find it, you can't do much with the map.
So you went and found Gungun again.
You told Gungun that he needs Old Ginseng. He thought he knew where I could find some and told you how to get there.
It was much easier to find the Old Ginseng than you thought. However, you weren't able to gather anything during the hunt.
After all, you told Gundun about it. He believed that you wouldn't find any Old Ginseng at the marked place at all, just mushrooms.
But he still wanted to give you something amazing.

Full quest's text:
What did Doctor Mugura say?
Hmm... I know where to find Old Ginseng!
First you must go there, then there, then...
(Gungun tells you how to reach the Old Ginseng.)

My explanation was so good that you understood it right off the bat!
I would probably be a good teacher...
Now that you know where to go, looks like you better get moving.
Please take care of it.
Hmm? Did my father send you?
So Father sent you.
What? Old Ginseng?
There are only mushrooms there.
Father had no idea...
But you know what, I've got something amazing for you.

Please take this as a reward for your efforts.

Basic Reward
icon 700 000 XP
icon x 7 000
Additional info
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] Visiting Doctor Mugura
[Event] The Doctor's Map

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