ID: 80735
[Event] Hungry Robo Shugo
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 999

Buy a Food Ration for Robo Shugo from the Dark Star vending machine. PlayerSpeak to the incomplete Robo Shugo. Buy a Food Ration from the vending machine nearby for the incomplete Robo Shugo, who takes care of advertising.
The busy, incomplete Robo Shugo asked for a Food Ration.

You bought a Food Ration for Robo Shugo from the Dark Star vending machine.

Full quest's text:
Come closer, ak.

Daeva is just a normal Daeva and not a member of the Dark Star.

We from the Dark Star consider all Daevas to be somewhat special.

Daeva can surely see that Shugo doesn't even have time to eat with all this advertising.

Shugo can't leave here. Could Daeva buy a Food Ration for Shugo from the Dark Star vending machine?

Robo Shugo is very hungry, akakak.

That's how it should taste! Oily and sticky.


Shugo is very grateful to Daeva.

But wouldn't Daeva like to join the Dark Star to make our dream possible together, ak?

Basic Reward
- [Dark Star] Running Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverIncomplete Robo Shugo
Recommended level999
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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Meru73 4-12-2016 20:50

En esta misión, tienen que abrir la máquina "Prestige Society Vending Machine" que está justo al lado de Shugorobo.
Ir a la pestaña "Quest" y comprar "[Event] Nutritious Meal for Shugorobo"
Luego deben entregarle la comida a Shugorobo (el mas pequeño).

Una vez que entregan la comida, la misión pide hablar con nuevamente con Shugorobo, hablan con él y aceptan la recompenza.
Y con eso finaliza la misión.

Espero les sirva.