ID: 11458
Adias's Report
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 51
Elyos Only

Take Adias's research report to Fasimedes. Talk with Adias. Deliver Adias's research report on the Taloc Growth Trace to the governor of Sanctum.
Adias said he had nearly finished his report and asked you to take it to Fasimedes on your way to Sanctum.

When you delivered and briefed the report, Fasimedes was quite pleased.

When you told Adias what Fasimedes said, he was a little deflated but thankful.

Full quest's text:
There are so many scholars and researchers out there who are interested in the Taloc Growth Trace. You can't throw a rock without hitting one of them.

I need to get my report documented before some other Daeva beats me to it!

I'm just sure that my research conquests have spread from one side of this land to the other by now.
I've discovered that the growth tissue of Taloc is completely different from other Elim. I've also done some guesswork about the soil of Inggison, too.

But, well...most of it's all up here in my head. I need to get it on paper before I can submit the whole report. But I need to get what I've written thus far to Sanctum.

You said you were headed there soon, right? To Sanctum? Could you take the first chapter of my report to Fasimedes?

Thank you, Player.

I have so much time and so little work to do.... Wait, reverse that.

Arieluma, Daeva. So, you've brought the research report from Adias?

Excellent. I was curious about his findings.

Let me take a look at it....
Hmm, I should have figured as much. Taloc has undergone massive mutation in a short span of time.

Very interesting. But I must know now what caused this mutation...the Aether there, or perhaps some other reason? The Balaur?

Tell Adias to keep working on his report. Tell him I am very pleased with what he's done so far.

Did you give Fasimedes my research report? What did he say? Did he approve?

This would not have been possible if you hadn't found the growth trace for me, Player.

So thank you. But...what did he say?

Pleased? That's it? I thought for sure he'd be ecstatic about my findings!

Eh, I guess the governor has more important things on his mind. Thanks again, Player.

Basic Reward
icon 550 500 XP
- Mithril Coin
- Mithril Coin Chest
Optional Reward
- Eremitia's Cloth Shoes
- Eremitia's Leather Shoes
- Eremitia's Brogans
- Eremitia's Sabatons
Additional info
Quest giverAdias
Recommended level51
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
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Wood-n't You Know It?

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