ID: 11468
With Friends Like These
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Taloc's Hollow
Lv.: 51
Elyos Only

Get and use the powerful items from the Taloc's Tormentors. Shishir's Powerstone(10) Gellmar's Wardstone(5) Neith's Sleepstone(3) Talk with Taloc's Mirage. The tainted Aether inside Taloc turned his friends into enemies. Destroy them and purify their powerful items.
Taloc was sad to see that the Aether inside his body had mutated his old insect friends and turned them into parasites.

He asked you to purify the powerful items they possessed. So you got rid of Shishir, Gellmar, and Neith, and took their items, using them to purge the tainted Aether within.

Full quest's text:
Something terrible is...happening inside of me, Daeva. My friends, the insects, have changed....

The Aether has mutated them...turned them against me.

Now they feed...upon me.
Shishir, Gellmar, and Neith.

They were once my friends. But now they are to death. The pain I can handle, Daeva. But what they possess...must be taken from them.

They have items...which have become very potent over time. me to kill them, Daeva. I do not trust them with such power...any longer.

Shishir has...Shishir's Powerstone. Gellmar has Gellmar's Wardstone.

And Neith has...Neith's Sleepstone.

Kill them...and then help me destroy...the wicked Aether within each of these using them repeatedly.

The Powerstone, the Wardstone...and the Sleepstone are pure once more.

I owe you my gratitude, Daeva.

You are the guardian of my forest.

Basic Reward
icon 2 147 300 XP
icon x 26 830
Additional info
Quest giverTaloc's Soul
Recommended level51
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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