ID: 1716
[Daily/Coin] Klaw at Bloodburn Reach
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Lv.: 38
Elyos Only

Get rid of [plur]Klaw Pack[pl:"Packs"] living in Bloodburn Reach (27). Report the result to Tiberius. The Klaw in the Abyss are multiplying fast. Help Tiberius get rid of Miren Klaw Lookers and Watchmen, and Krotan Klaw Searchers and Watchmen living in Bloodburn Reach.
Tiberius told you Klaw numbers in the Abyss were increasing. He asked you to get rid of them.

You removed Klaw from Bloodburn Reach. Tiberius gave you a Gold Coin as a reward.

Full quest's text:
Ah, the Five are still with me! I really needed someone to help me, and here you are.

So what do you say, [%userclass]--do you have the time?

I probably don't have to tell you how many different kinds of creatures live in the Abyss. Most of them have been here since the Cataclysm, or so say the scholars anyhow.

And most of them have adapted to the conditions here, too, and don't look much like their Atreian counterparts.

Except for one.

Klaw. They're exactly the same here as in Elysea--meaner than Asmodian roaches!

And you might think to look at them they're nothing much more than big bugs, but you'd be wrong. They're smart. And tough. And they breed like...well, like bugs. So we really need to thin them out, and soon.

Interested in a job? I can pay a Gold Coin.

I asked a Klaw expert in Heiron how we could keep them from multiplying so fast.

He said, "Kill as many as you can." Helpful, eh?

So that's exactly what I'd like you to do--go to Bloodburn Reach and kill Miren Klaw Lookers, Miren Klaw Sentinels, Krotan Klaw Searchers, and Krotan Klaw Sentinels.

There seem to be more of them than any others around here.
You killed them already?

Sorry, [%userclass]--the Gold Coin is for getting them all.
Ha! You're even better than the stories they tell about you.

You're not the first I've sent to do this job, but you're the first who's completed it. You've earned this Gold Coin, Player.

I'll look you up next time I want a job done right.

Basic Reward
icon 1 265 179 XP
icon x 250
- Gold Coin
Additional info
Quest giverTiberius
Recommended level39
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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