ID: 18509
This Shugo for Hire
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Haramel
Lv.: 15
Elyos Only

Use the Rusty Key and 3 bottles of Lubricating Oil to open the Severely Rusted Box. Take what’s in the chest to Gaurinerk. PlayerMoofrenerk tells you that you should be able to open the Severely Rusted Box in Haramel Tower using a Rusty Key and three bottles of Lubricating Oil. Take what’s in the chest to Gaurinerk.
Moofrenerk tells you that there’s a chest in Haramel Tower with something amazing inside. He asks you to get it and give it to Gaurinerk.

That’s why you get some Lubricating Oil and a Key and open the chest, and then take the Bundle of Manuscripts you find inside it to Gaurinerk, who gives you a reward.

Full quest's text:
The Daeva and Shugo have been through much together, yes? The Daeva has kept handshake deal with us, so Moofrenerk have special information for you.

Hamerun keeps a locked box in Haramel Tower, nyerk. At the very top. Secret documents inside. Maybe proof that Hamerun is big boss.

Moofrenerk unsure of what is actually inside, but thinks it is documents.

The box is very rusty. If anyone ever tried to touch it, even clean it, they were beaten badly, nyerk.

Secret document might be a list of big boss names. Moofrenerk and brother get another special handshake deal if information tasty?

Keymaster MuMu Dang holds the key to the box, nyerk. But is very rusty.

Daeva should kill MuMu Mechanics and find oil. Three lubricants should be enough to grease up the keyhole in box.

Use the Tower Lift to get up the tower, nyerk. Use the key and oil on Severely Rusted Box, and it should open up like Dukaki Odium abuser needing a taste, nyerk.

Daeva should definitely get the key and the lubricating oil, and then give it a try, nyerk.

The chest won’t open otherwise.

If Daeva finds something in the chest, then Daeva should take it to Gaurinerk in the fortress.

Shugo would be in a lot of trouble if Hamerun finds Shugo with it. Shugo isn’t planning on leaving this place yet, nyerk.

Daeva has to help Shugo, ak!
Welcome, ak.

But doesn’t Shugo know this face?

Moorilerk, Moofrenerk’s brother, is sending Daeva, yes?
Did Shugo misunderstand something, nyerk?

Never mind!

If Daeva wants to trade, they just have to tell Shugo. Don’t think too long, nyerk.
Moorilerk, Moofrenerk’s brother, said there was something amazing in Haramel.

This looks like it! Let’s see, ak!

(He reads the documents and his expression hardens.)

What... What is this, ak? Just reading this has Shugo scared...

Is this really treasure? There’s something wrong here. How am I meant to use this...?

Still, Daeva has done good work. Shugo will reward you.

Basic Reward
icon 79 650 XP
icon x 2 000
Optional Reward
- Life Potion
- Mana Potion
Additional info
Quest giverMoofrenerk
Recommended level15
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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