ID: 2096
Twice as Bright
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Carving out a Fortune Mission
Lv.: 50
Asmodian Only

Go to Pandaemonium and talk with Cavalorn. Meet with Kasir in the Hidden Library. Go to Ishalgen and talk with Munin. Order: Arch Sage Cavalorn is looking for you. Go to the Temple of Knowledge in Pandaemonium to meet him.
Arch Sage Cavalorn told you that Kasir wanted to see you.

Kasir said that Munin told him a long time ago to send him the new star when it rises over Atreia. He asked you to go and see Munin, as you are the new star.

He also asked you to give Munin a message that two stars have risen over Atreia, and one is blood red.

When you delivered Kasir's message to Munin, he reminded you about Hellion in Elysea.

Full quest's text:
Are you really Player?

You look quite different than the last time we met. I suppose you've been through a great deal since then.

I have a request from Kasir.

Listen carefully--we can't risk being overheard. Kasir smuggled me a message--something about a new star appearing over Atreia. I couldn't really understand the reference, but he asked me to send you to him.

He's still in the Hidden Library. Try to meet inconspicuously--they're always watching him.

I'm not sure what any of it means, but Kasir seems to think it's important.

I know every book here. All I require is a title.

...Player--I wasn't expecting you so soon. Just tell me a book title. Gaminart is watching us....

Any title at all, and I'll find it for you. I know them all.

Impetusium of Glory? Let me check.

...Go to Ishalgen and see Munin. He told me a new star would appear over Atreia, and I should send that person to him. You're that person, Player. You're the new star...

...Don't look so shocked. I thought it might be you when we first met, but now I'm certain. But tell Munin this--two stars have appeared, and one is blood red. Make sure you're not followed....

I'm so sorry, but it looks like our last copy of Impetusium of Glory has already been checked out.

You came from Kasir, right? Are you sure you weren't followed?

You want to watch yourself. They'd be happy to put you in here, too.

Did Kasir say anything else?

Two. And one blood red. Ominous, no?

Remember Hellion? Apparently he's continued to grow in power and ability as you have. But that's not the problem. You are. Perhaps the one who will destroy Atreia....

No, the future is still uncertain to some degree. Come here and put your hands on mine.

Aaaahhhh!! Bad! Worse than I expected.

I wonder how we can thwart this...or if it can be thwarted.

Basic Reward
icon 8 472 759 XP
Additional info
Recommended level50
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Hold the Front Line
The Secret of Adma Stronghold
Suppressing the Bakarma Legion
The Shadow Summons

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