ID: 21078
Mamuts of Balaurea
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 50
Asmodian Only

Collect the horns of Swamp Mamuts and bring them to Irkale. PlayerIrkale wishes to study how creatures in Balaurea adapt to their surroundings. Bring her Swamp Mamut horns for her research.
Irkale has several theories about how and why Swamp Mamuts in Balaurea differ from those in Gelkmaros.

However, none of them could be proven without actual Swamp Mamut horns for her to study. She asked you to get some for her.

You did so, and Irkale praised your diligence and contribution towards her work.

Full quest's text:
Comparing creatures here in Balaurea to similar ones in Asmodae is one of the most fascinating aspects of my work here.

Take the Mamuts, for example. They're mostly known as cold-weather creatures in Asmodae, yet here they thrive in swamps.

Not only that, their horns are much shorter than Asmodian Mamuts. Which is odd, to say the least.

Well, for such a thing to happen, Mamuts here must not need horns as much for defence. Here! In Balaurea!

Still, there are other possibilities. Disease or mutation, for example. I'd need to study those horns closer to know for sure.

That is where you come in, Player. If you could obtain Swamp Mamut horns for me, my work would go much more smoothly.

I can't tell you how pleased I am. What I find here could be of great importance, and not just for my next paper.

The best place to find Swamp Mamuts is probably near Gelkmaros Falls.

While you're away, I'll prepare my instruments and tests. Good hunting, Daeva.

I've come up with several hypotheses that could explain the Mamuts' horns.

One involves forced migration. Another raises the possibility of adaptations that make up for horn length.

Still, of course, they're just hypotheses without actual data. Thus my request to you.
Hmm, not entirely. I go through many Swamp Mamut horns in my research.

If I'm to have enough to test my hypotheses, I'll need more than this. Otherwise, I'll have to interrupt my progress to get more.

So, you see, it's more efficient for both of us if you were to get the required number now, all at once.
Hmmm. I see several intriguing avenues for study just from a cursory visual examination.

It's bit of a shame to have to take the lives of such docile creatures, especially in Balaurea, but it's necessary.

It's not much, but I hope this will go some way towards recompense.

Basic Reward
icon 994 100 XP
icon x 1 400
- Fine Mana Serum
Additional info
Quest giverIrkale
Recommended level51
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Traveling to Gelkmaros

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