ID: 2360
A Foul Stench
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 27
Asmodian Only

Get rid of the source of the terrible smell. [plur]Crawling Clodworm[pl:"Clodworms"] (10) [plur]Sulphur Slime[pl:"Slimes"] (20) Talk to Gangleri. Gangleri asked you to kill the Crawling Clodworms and Sulphur Slimes to help clean the air and help him breathe. You agreed to get rid of them for him.
Gangleri said that he couldn't concentrate on his duties due to the overbearing smell of the Clodworms and Slimes.

You removed the Crawling Clodworms and the Sulphur Slimes so that he would be able to carry out his work.

Full quest's text:
Heard before I came. Heard about the heat, the lava, the ash, the fire. They weren't a problem.

Didn't hear about the stench though. Gets into my nostrils, gets into my mind. Isn't the sulphur, I'm used to that. It's the creatures.

The Crawling Clodworm[pl:"Clodworms"]s are the first. A week old corpse smells better. Then there are the Sulphur Slime[pl:"Slimes"]s.

Both vile. Both despicable. Both deserve to die.

You'll do it, won't you, Player? You'll kill them. You'll destroy them.

Thank you very much.

Please kill 10 [plur]Crawling Clodworm[pl:"Clodworms"] and 20 [plur]Sulphur Slime[pl:"Slimes"].

Blood for blood. Theirs for yours. Yours for mine. Mine for Asmodae.
Is your work done?

Then I owe you my thanks. Their corpses will rot away, and the air will be all the better for it. My work here will be done all the sooner.

Take this. The Shedim Lords do not expect tasks done well to go unrewarded.

Basic Reward
icon 200 627 XP
icon x 38 580
Additional info
Quest giverGangleri
Recommended level28
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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