ID: 29502
Gaining the Cleric's Stigma
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Convent of Marchutan
Lv.: 99
Asmodian Only

Use Destruction Trap I (10). Report to Sigyn. The Temple of Death is issuing Greater Stigma to worthy Rangers. Use *** to prove that you are proficient in using them.
Sigyn, with the support of the Temple of Death, is issuing Greater Stigma to Rangers who are proficient in using them.

You followed Sigyn's instructions and returned after becoming more proficient with ***. She gave you a new Greater Stigma as promised.

Full quest's text:
You know, Player, I've always wondered...what kind of Ranger can't summon a few wild creatures to come to their aid in battle?

Well, of course a Ranger of your talent wouldn't need them.... But I mean, it would just make the grand scheme of Atreia.

I'd love to have a little Elroco come rest on my shoulder...and then attack my enemies with vicious fangs!
That's probably for the best. I suppose it's just a pipe dream--I wonder where that thought even came from?

Anyway, I have good news for Rangers like you! The Temple of Death recently sent out an official notice supporting the use of Greater Stigma, and sent me a number of them to distribute amongst our finest Rangers.

I think the Temple of Death's larger purpose is to fund the deaths of Balaur and Elyos in Balaurea--a purpose I wholeheartedly support. Are you interested in earning a Greater Stigma, Player?

Excellent. I knew you wouldn't refuse.

Now then, the Temple of Death wants to distribute them to the Daevas who actually use their Greater Stigma skills in battle.

If you were to use ***...oh, I don't know...10 times? I think the Temple of Death would be satisfied. Do that, and I'll reward you with a new Greater Stigma.

Great to hear, Player. Though I suppose I have no way of knowing if you really did it.... But I can take your word for it.

Here, take this Greater Stigma, and may it serve you well.

If you have time, I'm sure the Temple of Death would appreciate you heading to Gelkmaros and using that Greater Stigma to further the war effort.

Basic Reward
icon x 29 500
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassPriest, Cleric

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