ID: 30135
Renovating the Chainblades
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 52
Asmodian Only

Collect Empyrean Chainblade Components and bring them to Tataka. PlayerGather Noxallon Ingots to upgrade Siel’s Supreme Chainblades.
Tataka said special materials are required in order to repair Siel’s Supreme Chainblades.

You listened to him and honoured Aglauros’ request. You brought Noxallon Ingots to Gefeios, and he enchanted Siel’s Supreme Chainblades into Siel’s Noble Supreme Chainblades.

Full quest's text:
Repairing Siel’s Supreme Chainblades won’t be easy.

They’ve very badly damaged, so it’ll be pretty difficult to fix them.

But Kobold will do it.

If you don’t give up, Kobold will help.
Kobold is happy he can help.

Kobold needs Noxallon Ingots to repair the chainblades.

When Siel fought against Tiamat, an enormous amount of heat and energy was generated. That’s how the Noxallon Ingots were created.

They’re very rare and hard to find. Do you want to have a look for some anyway?
There are only very few Noxallon Ingots left.

The Reians have gathered a lot of them. I heard that the Reian elder, Aglauros, has some.

If you do as Aglauros asks of you, he’ll give you some Noxallon Ingots.

If you bring me some Noxallon Ingots, I will repair Siel’s Supreme Chainblades.
I’ve been waiting for you.

I’ve already got the materials we need to fix the chainblades.

I just need Noxallon Ingots and Siel’s Supreme Chainblades.
I can’t repair the chainblades without Noxallon Ingots.

You can’t use them in this condition.

Follow through on Aglauros request and bring him some Noxallon Ingots.

And don’t forget Siel’s Supreme Chainblades. It’s no good standing there holding them; if you want Tataka to repair them, you’ll have to let go of them for a moment and put them into the cube.

Tataka will take care of the rest.
Now we’ve got all the materials, I’ll make a start on the repair.

Wait a moment!

(He melts the Noxallon Ingots in the furnace, puts the chainblades inside and forges them tenaciously.)

Kobold has repaired them.

Try them out, you’ll notice the difference.

Basic Reward
icon 4 372 400 XP
- Siel’s Noble Supreme Chainblades
Additional info
Quest giverTataka
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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