ID: 4032
Mission of the Reaper Squad
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Brusthonin
Lv.: 44
Asmodian Only

Get rid of undead in Sudorville. [plur]Undead Cultivator[pl:"Cultivators"] (24). [plur]Undead Minion[pl:"Minions"] (20). Talk with Sridi. Sridi asked you to go to Sudorville and kill the roaming undead.
Sridi asked that you destroy undead who wander in Brusthonin so their souls may return to the flow of Aether.

You went to Sudorville, killed Undead Cultivators and Undead Minions, and reported back to Sridi. He invited you to return someday after all the undead have been eliminated to appreciate Brusthonin's true beauty.

Full quest's text:
War is just a horror. The landscape suffers, towns are burned, and people always die. Sometimes the innocent don't even return to the flow of Aether.

I don't know much about how it happens, but some souls become...undead, doomed to wander these fields forever.

No one knows for sure, but this land is crawling with undead. Just step outside the village. It's not like they try to hide.

At Sudorville, the undead were once farmers and merchants and tradesmen. They were either exposed to the contamination or killed by the Balaur.

They've been roaming the land for hundreds of years without purpose. It's nightmarish.

Indeed they can. That's the bright spot in all this, really. Fortunately it's not a complicated matter. If we destroy them, their souls will be released back to the flow of Aether.

Under Commander Surt's leadership we've been making progress, but it's slow going. I was hoping you might lend us your strength.

Surely you can dispatch them much faster. Any progress you make would put us that much closer to reclaiming Brusthonin.

Your contribution will not go unnoticed, I promise you. If you leave by the northern road you'll come to Sudorville. There's no shortage of undead there.

Target the Undead Cultivator[pl:"Cultivators"]s and Undead Minion[pl:"Minions"]s.

Shadows protect you all your many days.
I volunteered for this assignment. I was reluctant to attack the undead at first. It was creepy, of course, but I also felt guilty for attacking them--it's not really their fault they're undead.

Once I realised that killing them releases their souls to the flow of Aether, though, I felt better.

How's your operation going?

Thank you. This is a great service to Brusthonin.

Someday all the undead will be sent to rest. When that day comes, I hope you will return here to see the beauty hiding beneath the blight on this land.

Basic Reward
icon 2 954 681 XP
icon x 56 870
- Major Anti-Shock Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverSridi
Recommended level45
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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