ID: 4202
Wine and Cheese
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Pandaemonium
Lv.: 99
Asmodian Only

Find Sandblossom Wine and Beriti Cheese on the Steel Rake and take them to Jeckrow. PlayerGo to the Steel Rake, find the Sandblossom Wine and obtain Cheese from the Shulack merchants so that Jeckrow can keep his promise to his customers.
Jeckrow asked if you could get the Sandblossom Wine that Shulack pirates stole, so he doesn't have to disappoint his customers.

Jeckrow was thrilled when you brought the Sandblossom Wine and some cheese you bought from a Shulack merchant.

Full quest's text:
I wish I knew how to explain this to my customers.

Sandblossom Wine is a favourite here at the Apellbine. They're going to be terribly disappointed.

"You'll have some next year," I'll tell them. Oh, I can just imagine their reaction to that....

What's so special about Sandblossom Wine? Only someone who's never tried it would ask that question.

It's made from flowers that bloom for a very short time just once a year. Workers gather them all night on the night they bloom, because in the morning, the sun will scorch them to a crisp.

It's the perfect sweetness and the perfect taste. It's rare, it's exquisite, and it's not something customers want to wait for.

But think, Player--if the Steel Rake Pirates boarded the Black Cloud ship and took the wine...

The wine is probably still on the pirate ship!

Can you see where I'm going with this?

You’ve a great attitude, Player. I like that in a Daeva.

Please go to the Steel Rake and bring back Sandblossom Wine. All Daeva has to do is find the [plur]Big Wine Barrel[pl:"Barrels"] aboard the ship.

I hope it works. Ideally you could get them all, but four barrels will have to do to start with. But be careful not to be discovered by the Shulacks!

If you could get four of them off the ship and back here to me, it’d make my year! Oh, and cheese! See if they have any of that good Beriti Cheese on board.
Daeva is finally here. Well, well.

I thought Daeva had already given up.

Have you been aboard the Steel Rake? Was there any Sandblossom Wine left? How about the Beriti Cheese?
So what you're saying is that I can only see the wine and cheese if my heart is pure?

My customers are getting ugly about this Sandblossom Wine problem, Player. I can buy back a little bit of good will with Beriti Cheese, but only if I have it.

Will you please bring them back before they show up with torches and pitchforks?

Ah, I'm in the Sandblossom Wine business again--wonderful!

And is that the Beriti Cheese? It smells fantastic! My customers are going to love this!

In fact, any time you want to bring me more Sandblossom Wine and Beriti Cheese, Player, I'll gladly pay you. Why give all my business to the Black Cloud Traders?

Basic Reward
icon 1 381 954 XP
icon x 25 000
Additional optional reward when completed 20 times
icon x 40 500
Additional reward (please select) when completed 20 times
- Steel Beard Pirate's Pauldrons
- Steel Beard Pirate's Shoulderguards
- Steel Beard Pirate's Spaulders
- Steel Beard Pirate's Shoulderplates
Additional info
Quest giverBaba Kun
Recommended level99
Repeat count20
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Sandblossom Wine

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