ID: 4206
Steel Beard Pirate Hat
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Pandaemonium
Lv.: 99
Asmodian Only

Daeva must collect the hairpins of the Steel Rake Shaman and Steel Rake Healer and take them to Teirunerk. PlayerYou should deal with the Shamans and Healers on the Steel Rake so that the Black Cloud Merchants can drive out the Steel Beard Pirates. Collect their hairpins and take them to Teirunerk.
Teirunerk said he had heard about you from Jielinlinerk. He asked you to go to the ship Steel Rake to get the hats from the Pirates.

When you collected the pirate hats and delivered them to him, Teirunerk said that they were valuable and paid you for them.

Full quest's text:
As Envoy of Black Cloud Merchants, Teirunerk knows many things.

As Daeva has already spoken to Nekai, Daeva knows one or two things.

So allow Teirunerk to close the gap between what he knows and what Daeva knows.
Steel Rake Pirate Hats are latest fashion in Pandaemonium, but only one place to get real authentic hats, yes?

Could give lots of Daevas work killing pirates and taking hats, but right here is famous Daeva who knows ship firsthand, already killed lots of pirates!

So this deal is only between Daeva and Teirunerk, yes? Kinah for Steel Beard Pirate Hat[pl:"Hats"]s?

Shugo likes Daeva, ak.

But Daeva should get going now.

Daeva first needs to pay a visit to Raninerk and find out how to board the Steel Rake.

Daeva then needs to kill the Steel Rake Shaman and Steel Rake Healer on the Steel Rake.

There’s a lot of them, but their hats are very popular.

Daeva should reduce their numbers and obtain the [plur]Steel Beard Pirate Hat[pl:"Hats"] that Nekai ordered. Perfect, ak.
Perhaps Daeva thinks taking hats from dead pirates beneath dignity? Put dignity in one hand, Kinah in other, see which one merchant will take! Akakak!

Daeva should remember, Shulacks travel to Balaurea. Maybe have vital knowings to Daeva's war.

As Jielinlinerk sent Daeva, Teirunerk will give Daeva chance to change mind. Come back any time.

Daeva should look at this. Shugo knew it!

Still here Daeva? Or is Daeva back empty-handed?

Either way. No results, no rewards, nyerk.

Reward only for Daeva bringing [plur]Steel Beard Pirate Hat[pl:"Hats"].
These are most excellent hats, Daeva--just right.

Teirunerk will get good price for these, thanks to brave Daeva and dead pirates, akakak!

Bring more hats any time. Sell them to Teirunerk, not Nekai.

Basic Reward
icon 1 381 954 XP
icon x 20 000
Additional optional reward when completed 20 times
icon x 32 400
Additional reward (please select) when completed 20 times
- Teirunerk's Cloth Bandana
- Teirunerk's Leather Hat
- Teirunerk's Chain Helm
- Teirunerk's Plate Helm
Additional info
Quest giverTeirunerk
Recommended level99
Repeat count20
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Attack on the Pirates

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