ID: 46600
[Asmodian] Daemon's Dividends 1A
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Charlirunerk's Daemons
Lv.: 99
Asmodian Only

Make sure to open up your reward soon. You will find contents very useful.

Make sure to do more jobs and earn more Tokens. Then you can come back and see me for more rewards.

Hope to see you again soon. Work hard for Charlirunerk's Daemons, nyerk!

Full quest's text:
Psst, do not tell anyone I told you this, but Charlirunerk has been very very impressed with your work!

Yes, it is a big deal! Charlirunerk rarely praise anyone so deeply! You must be making very good impression, nyerk!

But the surest way to judge your success is your Daemon Tokens! How many do you have?

That's 10 Daemon Tokens, right?

We have some nice rewards picked out just for you. But of course, you can always keep them and save them up. So what do you want to do?

20 Daemon Tokens, you say? Not bad!

That means you have been running a lot of jobs for us. That raises the reputation of the Daemons, which makes us all happy, nyerk!

I have some great rewards for you! Do you want to spend your Tokens?

40 Tokens?! Really? That many?!

So you must be Daeva everyone is talking about! So many jobs.... You've been making Daemons look good all by yourself! You must be really strong to do everything like that, nyerk!

It would be my honour to give you huge rewards, if you want to spend hard earned tokens!
Yep, that's all of them!

Here is your reward. Keep up the good work and earn more good stuff, okay?

Great! That is 20 Tokens exactly!

You know, Charlirunerk himself creates these reward packages. He always know exactly what his Daemons need. You should thank him sometime, nyerk!

Already I hear much about you from other Daemons. Everyone really respects you! Here are rewards!

(Stares at your Tokens with wide, unbelieving eyes) has been so long since I have seen one Daeva with so many Tokens, nyerk! No wonder Charlirunerk talk all about you. You keep this up, you will be top Daemon!

Your strength really works hard for Charlirunerk's Daemons. I hope to see more of your great deeds!

Daeva, I am really sorry, nyerk.

We ran out of rewards. I do not have anything to give you right now.

We have put in requisition for more supplies. Can you come back later...nyerk?

Basic Reward
icon 716 600 XP
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Gladiator, Templar

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