ID: 801134
Fortress Teleport Statue
icon NPC
<To Apheta Beluslan Fortress>
Level: 65
HP: 246 945
Aggression radius: 20m


(A statue that teleports users to the [%dic:STR_DIC_W_LDF3_01_SZ_4011_A+]%.)

(You need 8,000 Kinah to use the teleport statue.)

Player: Spend Kinah to go to the Beluslan's Roof Guardian Bind Point.

(A statue that teleports users to the Apheta Beluslan Fortress.)

(It can only be used when you occupy the Apheta Beluslan Fortress.)

(You need 8,000 Kinah to use the teleport statue.)

Player: Spend Kinah to go to the Apheta Beluslan Fortress%.

(The teleport statue is not working.)

(Make sure you have Kinah.)

Player: "I'll come back later."

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