ID: 1142
An Unwanted Dagger
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Verteron
Level: 13
Elyos Only

Take the beryl-encrusted dagger to Ivis. Beris bought a fancy-looking dagger, but now he wants to return it. Take the beryl-encrusted dagger to Ivis on his behalf.
Beris bought a fancy-looking dagger, but regretted his decision and wanted to return it.

He was too embarrassed to go himself, so you returned the weapon to Ivis on Beris' behalf.

Full quest's text:
Maybe I could use it as a letter opener? But nobody sends me letters....

I could stick it up on the wall so everyone could look at it. But then I can't carry it with me.

Why'd I go and buy the dumb thing anyway?

Player: "What's the matter?"

I needed a new sword, right? So I went to the weapons shop in Verteron Citadel, and I saw this nice dagger with all these pretty gems on it.

Ivis told me I didn't need it but I knew it'd look good on me, so I bought it anyway. It cost me a whole month's wages!

Player: "So what's the problem?"

The problem? I can't cut anything with it 'cause it's too short and too thin.

If Ivis is okay with it, I want to return it. But if I go, everyone's gonna know what a mistake I made.

Do you think you could take it back to Ivis for me?

Player: Accept.

That's real nice of you, Player.

Ivis is probably in his little shop in Verteron Citadel.

Please give it back to him. And tell him I'm real sorry, okay?

Player: "I'll go see what I can do."

Honestly, Player, people should never mix fighting and fashion.

Weapons are supposed to be for hitting the other guy until he bleeds and falls down.

People keep walking around with these flashy weapons, and it's gonna get them killed.

Player: "Here's the dagger."

I told him he didn't need it but he wouldn't listen. I'll give him the refund, and then he can come back and buy himself a proper sword.

These flashy weapons are for pretentious types, not for tough country boys like Beris.

Basic Reward
icon 16 200 XP
icon x 3 170
Additional info
Quest giverBeris
Recommended level13
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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