ID: 11452
Last Part of the Cure
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 51
Elyos Only

Get rid of Queen Mosqua and bring the needed ingredient to Phailos. PlayerBring Mosqua's Poison to Phailos so he can make an ointment.
Phailos said he ran out of his ointment to treat the injured soldiers.

He asked if you would find Mosqua's Poison to make the cure, which you did.

Full quest's text:
Yes...yes, these symptoms match that of a previous malady I worked on. I made an ointment back then that seemed to work wonders.

If I remember correctly, I marinated the Fruits of Elim in Mosqua's Poison, pureed them, and applied the paste to the skin.

It was a very difficult concoction to make...took nearly a month to get it right.

Player: "But you can make it again?"

Yes, of course.... I kept very thorough notes on the matter.

But I ran out of the necessary ingredients. I'll need someone to find me what I need.

Player: "What is it that you need?"

If I'm not mistaken...I'll need Mosqua's Poison. It sounds threatening, but we need to kill the fever to end the sickness.

I can make the cure if you can find me the Poison.

Player: Accept.

Yes, yes, Mosqua's Poison is the most important part of this treatment.

It took me over a hundred experiments to discover it last time--it shouldn't take that long this time.

If Ariel is on our side, that is....

Player: "Ariel is always on our side."

Ahh, Player, did you bring Mosqua's Poison like I asked?

I will make a large batch of the ointment this time in case this disease should spread.

Player: "Here's Mosqua's Poison."

I do not see Mosqua's Poison on you. Was there a problem finding it?

Perhaps you lost it on your way here, hmm? I would suggest looking for it again.

Player: "I'll see what I can find."

Ahh, wonderful, wonderful. This will be the perfect amount for the ointment.

Mosqua's Poison is rather sticky, so this should make a very effective batch. Let's see here...two dashes of this...a pinch of....

Basic Reward
icon 3 566 600 XP
icon x 96 660
Additional info
Quest giverPhailos
Recommended level51
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
For What Ails You

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