ID: 1617
[Infiltration/Group] The Key is the Key
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Level: 41
Elyos Only

Get rid of Supervisor Wyrmirren, get the key, and take it to Lethe. PlayerLethe said that a high ranking official of the Lepharist Revolutionaries in the Alquimia Stronghold might have the key to the research center in the Alquimia Stronghold. Get rid of Supervisor Wyrmirren and take his key to Lethe.
Lethe said that a high ranking official of Lepharist Revolutionaries might have the key to the Alquimia Research Center.

She told you to get rid of Supervisor Wyrmirren and bring his key to her, saying that he always watches Laborers and the progress of construction projects.

When you got the key to the lab, she said the only thing left was to expose the conspiracy.

Full quest's text:
Ah, I have an idea!

If the Test Subject and scientists came from Heiron to go to research lab in the north, they must need a key.

Maybe the ordinary Alquimia researchers don't have keys to the lab, but a high-ranking Lepharist official might have one. Don't you think?

Player: "It's possible."

Supervisor Wyrmirren holds a pretty high rank at Alquimia Stronghold. He oversees construction projects.

I think you can definitely get a key from him. Are you game?

Player: Accept.

Supervisor Wyrmirren is usually somewhere along the railroad supervising laborers.

Don't take him on alone--he's tougher than he looks. Work with allies.

I won't be able to help you. Be quick, quiet and deadly.

Player: "Consider him dead."

I had to work so hard to get to this point--learning to pass as Asmodian and infiltrate this place.

You made everything I went through worth it. I helped you complete your mission.

Please tell me you got rid of Supervisor Wyrmirren and got your hands on a Research Center Key.

Player: "I did. Here it is."

This isn't the right thing.

Without the Research Center Key, we cannot complete the mission.

Please get rid of Supervisor Wyrmirren and bring back a Research Center Key.

I will watch their movements here.

Player: "I'll do it this time."

Excellent job, Player. While you were doing that, I found the location of the Secret Laboratory!

They call it the Alquimia Research Center, and access is strictly controlled.

Now all we have to do is get in there and find out what they're up to.

Basic Reward
icon 2 933 850 XP
icon x 200
Additional info
Quest giverLethe
Recommended level44
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor, Fighter, Brawler

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Infiltration/Group] Suspicious Scientists

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