ID: 1773
Demolition Derby
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 31
Elyos Only

Get rid of Virago Ghosts wandering the Flinders (20). Report the result to Livius. The Ghosts of Demolition interfere with the Guardians who scout the Flinders. Get rid of them, and report to Livius.
Livius said that the Ghosts of Demolition were a real threat, and he asked you to eliminate them.

You did, and saved him from potentially being torn apart by angry spirits.

Full quest's text:
There are a great many strange and dangerous creatures in this dreadful Abyss.

In Flinders, there is a terrifying specter called the Virago Ghost.

Though we have beings like those back in Elysea, they are so dissimilar that they may well be different creatures entirely....

Player: "What is the great difference?"

In Elysea, the ghosts and shades stay to the dark places underground, and hide their faces from the living.

In the Abyss, they attack everything that moves.

It is as if they resent the heat and warmth of the living, and seek to extinguish it wherever they find it.

Player: "A dangerous creature indeed."

Dangerous, and, moreover, a threat to our plans.

We have already delayed things far too long due to the danger posed by these malevolent spirits.

Player, you look to have some skill in these matters. Would you deal with them for us?

Player: Accept.

Oh, I thank you very much.

Send the Virago Ghosts back to whatever graves they arose from, and you will provide invaluable assistance.

Player: "They shall bother you no longer."

Those terrifying ghosts... Even now, I can imagine their icy claws tearing my flesh apart, picking at my vital organs with bestial glee....

Ah! Don't sneak up on me like that!

Player: "You've nothing to fear."

Excellent! I knew I could count on you. You have a reliable look to you.

Thanks to you I can scout this area at my leisure, without fear of being mauled by savage specters.

Please take this small token of my appreciation, Player.

Basic Reward
icon 404 557 XP
icon x 70 750
icon x 110
Additional info
Quest giverLivius
Recommended level32
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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