ID: 18507
The Big Boss
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Haramel
Level: 15
Elyos Only

Terminate the big boss that governs Haramel. Hamerun the Bleeder(1) Talk to Zephyros. Gestanerk admitted to you that Hamerun was the big boss of Haramel. Put an end to his dirty dealings.
Gestanerk admitted to you that Hamerun was the big boss of Haramel, and he cut a deal to trade information for prison leniency.

You found Hamerun and nearly defeated him, but he flew away. You told Zephyros this, and although angry, he still gave you a reward.

Full quest's text:
Gestanerk never expected to be in so deep, nyerk.

I took Hamerun's offer...for the Kinah. I thought, make a little Kinah, get out in a few months. But Gestanerk got in real deep, nyerk.

Hamerun is the big boss! Practically forced Gestanerk to work for him! Daeva wants Hamerun.

Player: "Time to sing about Hamerun."

Sing? Oh, talk. Why doesn't Daeva just say "talk" when Daeva means talk, nyerk? All right, Gestanerk sing now....

Hamerun is a big, powerful, evil Asmodian Daeva. He learned that Gestanerk can make Sapiens follow orders, so he paid big Kinah to help him.

Hamerun growed too greedy for his own good, nyerk. Hamerun wants to open dirty goods facilities everywhere. And he hits Gestanerk.

Player: "That's all you know?"

That's all Gestanerk knows. Wanted to wash paws of this matter for a long, long time.

If Hamerun finds out that Gestanerk talk pretty to Daeva, Gestanerk one dead Shugo! Daeva is going to kill Hamerun?

If Daeva kills the big boss, Daeva crumbles the entire operation.

Player: Accept.

Hamerun on the upper floor. Daeva take elevator right into big boss, nyerk.

Gestanerk's name out of report now, yes? Gestanerk and Daeva have handshake deal?

Player: "Yeah, we're solid now, Shugo."

Look what the Kerubar dragged in....

I was starting to get worried about you, Player. The streets are chatty with gossip about illegal Odium dealers. I was afraid someone had gotten to you.

So, did you tail that Shugo? Find anything?

Player: "Illegal Odium is only the start..."

We have such a facility right here?! Right here in our own backyard?

And you let the Asmodian behind it all get away? And...wait, wait...and you cut a deal with three dirty Shugos?

So, what do we have, Player? We have jack-diddily, see! Here...take the Kinah I promised you and beat it. I'll clean up your mess for you.

Basic Reward
icon 29 700 XP
icon x 26 890
Optional Reward
- Zephyros' Leggings
- Zephyros' Breeches
- Zephyros' Chausses
- Zephyros' Greaves
Additional info
Quest giverGestanerk
Recommended level16
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Scout's Honor

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