ID: 2113
Token of a Lost Love
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Ishalgen
Level: 4
Asmodian Only

Find the ring swallowed by one of the Arma Snufflers and take it to Dabi. PlayerDabi told you an Arma Snuffler swallowed the ring that Dabi's girlfriend gave him. Find the ring by hunting Snufflers and examining their remains.
Dabi told you a sad story about his lover's ascension.

The token of love she had given him was swallowed by an Arma Snuffler.

You found the ring by hunting Snufflers in the Munihele Forest, and gave it back to Dabi.

Full quest's text:
I'm supposed to be watching Motgar, but he doesn't do much, so I have plenty of time to think.

I never thought I'd end up like this. I always thought I'd be a farmer like my father.

Then there was my sweetheart... Ademia and I grew up together, and as soon as the harvest was in, we'd marry and start our own family.

It wasn't meant to be.

Player: "What happened?"

Ademia ascended... I know I should be happy for her but I was devastated. She told me she had to go to Pandaemonium for her ceremony...only temporary.

She left me her mother's ring...and nothing else. She never returned so I left, walked Asmodae and ached. Nothing else.

I woke up one morning after a rough night, and saw Tobu and a couple of raiders standing over me. They got me back on my feet and sorted me out.

Player: "Why leave the farm, though?"

What was the point? Ademia was immortal, charged with great deeds. I...was just a farmer. I'd grow old, die...

I got furious with this whole damned situation about a week ago. I took her ring out of my pocket and hurled it into some bushes. If we're doomed, why carry a reminder?

I'm so ashamed. I fear the day Ademia returns and asks me to marry her, and I'll have lost...thrown away the ring. I retraced my steps and found some Arma Snufflers near the bush where I'd thrown the ring.

I can't leave my post, Player but I implore you to help.

Player: Accept.

Thank you, Player.

You could look around the Munihele Forest again, Player, but I bet you'll have to kill Arma Snufflers until you find the one that ate the ring. They'll swallow anything shiny.

Please find the ring. I feel awful for throwing it away.

Player: "I'll try, but it's a big forest."

You're back already? Did you find it?

Please say you did...

Like any Asmodian, I try to live a life with no regrets, but this...this is different.

Player: "Is this the ring?"

No, it's an heirloom silver ring...the one I was to marry Ademia with, remember?

Please find it...

Player: "On my way."

You found it!

Thank you, Player! I'd almost given up hope of ever seeing this again. And despite...where you found looks just fine.

I doubt I'll ever see Ademia again, but if I do, I'll make sure she takes this ring back. She'll either take it as her own wedding ring, or she'll take it as her family heirloom--a reminder of the Humans who raised her and loved her.

Basic Reward
icon 1 705 XP
- Minor Mana Potion
Additional info
Quest giverDabi
Recommended level4
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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