ID: 2269
Neifenmer's Reasoning
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Altgard
Level: 16
Asmodian Only

Search the Lepharist Encampment for proof and bring it to Neifenmer. PlayerNeifenmer believes that the Lepharist Revolutionaries attacked the wagons. You agreed to search their encampment to find proof and bring it to Neifenmer after hearing his request.
Neifenmer believed that the Lepharist Revolutionaries attacked the wagons.

You were asked to search the Lepharist Encampment for evidence. You went there and discovered an operation order encrypted with a cipher, which you brought to Neifenmer.

Full quest's text:
Have you heard? The wagons around here keep getting attacked.

Urnir insists it's Peckus, but I suspect a different culprit.

The Lepharist Revolutionaries are behind this. I'm sure of it.

Player: "How can you be so sure?"

Surely you've noticed how remote we are out here.

The only people who pass by this area are the Lepharist Revolutionaries.

It can't be anyone else.

Player: "So what's to be done?"

I need to prove to Urnir that the Lepharist Revolutionaries are behind the attacks. For that, I'll need some physical proof. Will you help me?

Go to the Lepharist Encampment. Bring back something that proves their guilt.

Player: Accept.

If you go down along Calderon Hill, you will run into the Lepharist Encampment.

If you find something, I'll give you a handsome reward.

Player: "I'm on it."

Player, how did you fare? Any proof?

Player: "I found this."

You haven't gone yet?

If we can't nail down the cause, the wagons may be attacked again.

Please hurry up!

Player: "On my way."

Shards! I can't understand a word of this--they used a cipher!

It must be important, but I'll have to send it off to the fortress before anything else can be done about it.

Thank you, Player, for finding this!

Basic Reward
icon 11 265 XP
Additional info
Quest giverNeifenmer
Recommended level17
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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