ID: 28402
[Group] Saving Dalia
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Esoterrace
Level: 99
Asmodian Only

Remove Blighted Dalia Roots in the Drana Esoterrace (5). Report to Rothyns. Remove Blighted Dalia Roots binding Elim in the Drana Esoterrace and report to Rothyns.
A Reian tribeswoman named Rothyns, Protector of the Holy Tree, asked for your help.

You removed Blighted Dalia Roots twining around Elim in the Drana Esoterrace. Rothyns thanked you for your work and tearily told you that she heard Dalia's voice for the first time since Warden Surama came.

Full quest's text:
You look like us, but also not like us.

I must believe we are similar at heart, or else our world has no love or structure.

So, tell me. When your neighbor reaches out to you for help, what does an [%userrace] do?

Player: "Help in any way I can."

I have been the Protector of the Holy Tree for longer than I can remember.

If the Balaur hadn't invaded, we'd be together still...

Oh, please, good neighbor. Please, save Dalia. I'm too weak to do anything anymore.

Player: Accept.

Warden Surama's forces have twisted the Holy Tree, corrupting his roots and sapping the energy of other Elim.

When he returns to himself, Dalia Charlands may never escape the guilt.

Please destroy his Blighted Dalia Roots that bind the others. Save his sanity.

Player: "Don't worry. I'm good at destroying."

Then it really was Dalia's voice! He'll recover from Warden Surama's horrible corruption.

Basic Reward
icon 5 427 847 XP
icon x 450
- Stigma Shard
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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