ID: 28613
Judge's Tear-Soaked Greatsword
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Level: 37
Asmodian Only

Claim the Greatsword of the Judge and bring it to Walter. PlayerWalter thinks he can improve a powerful weapon with Kromede's Tear. Find the Greatsword of the Judge.
Walter said Kromede's Tear can be used to bolster a powerful weapon owned by Kromede: the Greatsword of the Judge.

You obtained the greatsword and gave it to him, along with Kromede's Tear. Walter fused the two and gave you a strengthened weapon, Kromede's Greatsword.

Full quest's text:
Hold up there! I have to tell you something about Kromede's Tear!

It's a pretty necklace, and very useful, but the materials I made it with give it even more purpose.

It actually has a special connection with none other than Kromede!

Player: "What's this have to do with me?"

Well, if you obtain a weapon known as the Greatsword of the Judge, it can be fused with Kromede's Tear to increase its power.

Since you have Kromede's Tear already, you'd only need to get the Greatsword of the Judge. Interested?

Player: Accept.

Excellent! I'm looking forward to this. The process is really complicated, but I know I can perform it flawlessly.

As for the Greatsword of the Judge, well, as you'd expect from the name, Kromede the Corrupt has it. Yes, the real Kromede.

She's hiding in the Fire Temple in Morheim. She won't wield it against you, but she's still strong nonetheless.

Player: "Yes, I've seen her strength myself."

I hope you don't feel too bad. If what you told me is true, Kromede's been consumed by grief and hate.

If she was innocent before, she isn't anymore. She's a threat that needs to be dealt with.

But that's neither here nor there. Especially if you got me the Greatsword of the Judge.

Player: "See for yourself."

Do you know how solid the Greatsword of the Judge is? It'd take a real sharding moron to mess it up.

Kromede's Tear is a different matter, but it's irrelevant. I'm the best there is. Just ask the Daevas of Flame.

Trust me on this, and double-up your efforts to get the Greatsword of the Judge, then make sure it's sitting pretty in your Cube, along with the Tears. The results will be worth it.

Player: "If you say so."

Ah, perfect! Now, this is the hard part.... Hah! Ugh!

Whew. The Greatsword of the Judge is solid. That's great for battle, but it did make the process harder.

Still, take a look at the results. I think they speak for themselves.

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Greatsword
Additional info
Quest giverWalter
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Journey into the Unknown

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