ID: 28636
Judge's Flame-Heated Longbow
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Level: 37
Asmodian Only

Collect materials to refine the Longbow of the Judge and bring them to Walter. PlayerWalter said he'd refine the Longbow of the Judge for you if you bring it to him along with Kromede's Flame.
Walter said Kromede's Flame can be used to reinforce the Longbow of the Judge.

You brought him Kromede's Flame and the Longbow of the Judge, and he fused the two together to make a more powerful weapon, Kromede's Longbow.

Full quest's text:
Wait, Player. You weren't going to wear that Kromede's Flame, were you?

Why in Asmodae wouldn't you wear a perfectly good necklace? I'll tell you.

If we melt it down, we could use to to coat the Longbow of the Judge to improve its performance.

Player: "Longbow of the Judge?"

It's a powerful weapon, but it can be made even more powerful with Kromede's Flame and the help of a proper blacksmith.

You've got Kromede's Flame and a talented blacksmith (at your service!) so all you need now is the longbow.

Fortunately, I can tell you where to get it, if you're interested.

Player: Accept.

A wise decision. The Longbow of the Judge is a fine weapon, but I imagine you might break it in half if you weren't careful.

Anyway, the Longbow of the Judge is kept by Kromede the Corrupt in the Fire Temple.

At least, that's what the local legends say.

Player: "I'll see if that's true."

Ah, it's you. And you were...? So many Daevas, so little time.

Oh, wait. I remember. You're the longbow person, right? Do you have it? Hope you didn't go easy on Kromede; her hate and grief's twisted her mind.

Give me the Longbow of the Judge and Kromede's Flame and I can get straight to work!

Player: "I hope I don't regret this."

Are you just trying to torment me? Is this some sort of a prank?

I'm really quite busy, as you can plainly see.

Quit fooling around, and head to me once the Longbow of the Judge and Kromede's Flame are sitting in your Cube.

Player: "I'll get them, no joke."

All right, first thing I do is put the Longbow in the white-hot forge, to get the wood nice and pliable. Then....

What, you don't think that's a good idea? Okay, I suppose we can try it YOUR way....

Well look at that, what do you know? It worked. Here you go, Kromede's Longbow!

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Longbow
Additional info
Quest giverWalter
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Assassin, Ranger

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Journey into the Unknown

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