ID: 3010
Gathering Flame Essence
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Theobomos
Level: 99
Elyos Only

Get Flame Essences from Molten Blade Spirit, and take it to Ankises. PlayerEliminate Molten Blade Spirits in The Scorchlands and collect Flame Essences for Ankises' research.
Fire Spirits have showed up in The Scorchlands. Ankises believed he couldn't complete his research alone and wanted to ask for Sanctum's help.

To do that, he needed to ensure that his information was correct: that Molten Blade Spirits really came from Flame Crystals. He asked you to kill some Spirits and get their Flame Essences for him.

When you got the Flame Essences as he requested, he thanked you and paid you from his research budget.

Full quest's text:
I've made up my mind. I need to ask for Sanctum's help.

I dislike collaboration--too many Shugos in the deal, you understand. That said, the situation in The Scorchlands is serious.

But I need more information first.

Player: "What do you need?"

Flame Crystals hold concentrated Balaur energy. I've been told they're the source of Molten Blade Spirits. If that's true, it's.... Well, I have to examine their Flame Essences to be sure.

I'm no warrior--I admit it. But the only way to get what I need is to go to The Scorchlands.
Would you help me? You'd have to extinguish Molten Blade Spirits and bring their Flame Essences to me.
Player: Accept.

Molten Blade Spirits carry Flame Essences, but they won't be carrying much. Destroy as many as you can--the more Flame Essencess you take, the better.

You've been to The Scorchlands before so you know the perils you face.

You have my gratitude, Player. May Ariel protect you!

Player: "And you, also."

Player! Excellent!

I've just finished summarizing my research results. It's the only work of its kind--and the information we glean from Flame Essences will make it a definitive work.

So--were you successful? Did you get any Flame Essencess?

Player: "More than you need."

You're looking remarkably soot-free, Daeva.

You haven't been to The Scorchlands, have you?

My work is urgent! Please go, get rid of the Molten Blade Spirits, and bring their Flame Essencess to me.

Player: "My apologies. I'm off."

This is exactly what I need.

Thank you so much for your help!

This, your reward, comes from my research budget from Sanctum. If the research garners rewards later, I'll give you more.

Basic Reward
icon 83 400 XP
icon x 7 600
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
icon x 13 600
- [Event] Old Green Sack
Additional info
Quest giverAnkises
Recommended level99
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
FactionElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor, Fighter, Brawler

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Agrint Afire

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