ID: 30412
[Daily/Alliance] Housecleaning
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Argent Manor
Level: 58
Elyos Only

Kill your targets in Dorgel Manor. Cadella(1) Unfinished Ingress(1) Zadra Spellweaver(1) Talk to Morikin. Morikin wants to get in Dorgel Manor to find stuff to sell. Get rid of the enemies obstructing him.
Morikin somehow got into Dorgel Manor, but couldn't gather items to sell because of Cadella, Ingress Shard, and Zadra Spellweaver.

So you went in and defeated those enemies. Morikin thanked you for your work, sounding more like a Shugo all the time.

Full quest's text:
Thanks to you, Daeva, I've found many shiny things to sell! This should get me a lot more Kinah!

But did you know there's a big mansion deep in Ladis Forest? I saw with my own eyes!

And there are all sorts of fancy things inside that I could sell!

Player: "Wait, how did you get in?"

What do you mean, Daeva? Just opened door and walked in! Simple, huh?

I hear Reian lives there. She wouldn't mind if I borrowed a few things, right?

And there are golems everywhere! They, I do not mind, but I do mind nasty Balaur! Please help again and take care of them for me!

Player: Accept.

Nastiest of monsters are Cadella, Unfinished Ingress, and Zadra Spellweaver.

Without them, I could shop in mansion to heart's content! Make plenty of Kinah and get attention of Black Cloud Traders!

Oh, do not look at me like that, Daeva! I will share with owner of mansion! I just need to get into Black Cloud, that's all!

Player: "This isn't right, but okay...."

First thing I will do when I join Black Cloud is gloat to that Jielinlinerk. Said I would never get in! Hah!

Oh! Daeva! You look a little beaten up, huh? Guess that means you were in Dorgel Manor and saw nasties!

Can I go in now and shop for items to sell so I can make much Kinah?

Player: "I still don't know how you got in, but yes."

Good, good! Much more profit! That means that Black Cloud will have to let me join!

I will only be first! Soon I make much much more Kinah! And many more Shulacks will join Black Cloud!

Still looking at me like that, Daeva? Here, reward! What? Oh, I told you I would share with mansion owner! Sheesh!

Basic Reward
icon 30 412 XP
icon x 30 412
Additional info
Quest giverMewrinerk
Recommended level58
Repeat count10
Quest renewal daysEvery Day
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Alliance] The Rescue

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